Published and unpublished writings by Richard J. "Dick" Preston, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L9; e-mail address
The listing is divided into 4 categories (James Bay Cree [about120 items], general [about 25 items], psychology of culture [13 items], and humour [5 items]) and is chronological within each category, because my thinking has matured on some things and/or gone on to other topics.
If you wish to obtain copies from me, please give the year and letter, as, 1991a, 1980d.
Published & unpublished writings on James Bay Cree
2011 A life in translation. In, Brian Swann (ed.) Translation of Native American Literature/oral tradition. University of Nebraska Press. Pp. 419-445.
2010 Les transformations de la communaute, de l’identite et de la spiritualite des Cirs du Quebec. In, Jaques-Guy Petit, Yv Bonnier Viger, Pita Aatami, et Ashley Iserhoff (eds.) Les Inuit et les Cris du Nord du Quebec. Presses de l’Universite du Quebec. Pp. 385-399.
2010 Twentieth Century Transformations of East Cree Spirituality and Autonomy. In, Ravi Da Costa, Mario Blaser, Deborah McGregor and William D. Coleman (eds.) Indigenous People and Globalization. University of British Columbia Press. Pp. 195-217.
2010 James Bay Cree Respect Relations within the Great Community of Persons. In, Joam Evans Pim, (ed.) Nonkilling Societies. Center for Global Nonkilling. Pp. 271-295.
2010 The Psychology of Culture and Ecology: tools for understanding and assisting Cree’s… Hudson's Bay Research, edited by Linda Chow & Kelly McKay. Aboriiginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, pp. 185-187
2009 Transformations in Quebec Cree community, identity, and spirituality. Cris et Inuit du Nord du Québec: Territoire, économie, société et culture. Colloque international de l’Université d’Angers, Angers, France.
2008 Reflections on a myth of unfortunate marriages and chaos. 40th Conference on Algonquian Studies.
2008 Ethnogenesis of the Davis Inlet Band. Panel title: Metis Ethnogensis in Northern North America. European Social Science History Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
2008 In search of the Journal of Thomas Gorst: 1670-1675. CASCA Conference, Carleton University
2007 Why two Younger Brothers Wanted a Beaver Wife: Intimate Cree and Not-Cree Knowledge of Non-Human Persons. 39th Conference on Algonquian Studies.
2007 Persons, indigenous AND cosmopolitan. CASCA Conference
2006 Now, About This Trickster: Eastern Cree and Global Sightings. 38th Conference on Algonquian Studies. Vancouver.
2006 Reflections on Becoming an Applied Anthropologist. Plenary address for the Weaver-Tremblay Award, CASCA Conference
2006 Twentieth century transformations of Native identity, citizenship, power and authority. In, Diana Brydon (ed) Globalization and Community. University of British Columbia Press.
2005 Reflections on Regina Flannery's collection of James Bay Cree oral tradition. Read at the
37th Conference on Algonquian Studies, Ottawa, Ont.
2005 George Head, Gerti Diamond, and Dick Preston. “Kawichkushu (“Louse”) and Pikawgami (“Wide Lake”)” In, Brian Swann (ed) "Algonquian Spirit: Contemporary Translations of the Algonquian Literatures of North America," University of Nebraska Press.
2005 Translocality and transnationality: changing Indigenous spiritual autonomies in the James Bay Region of Canada. CASCA Conference, Merida, Mexico
2004 Orality and Literacy: gains and losses in James Bay Cree transitions. Politics of Orality among Canada’s First Nations. Panel convened by George Fulford, University of Winnipeg
2004 The Mackenzie River murders in 1835: what really happened? Read at the 36th Conference on Algonquian Studies, Madison, WI.
2004 Death and dying amongst the Cree of Northern Quebec. Lecture and interview on DVD, Department of Religious Studies in collaboration with Learning Technologies Resource Centre, McMaster University.
2004 "Cumulative Cultural Change in the Moose and Rupert River Basins: Local Cultural Sites Affected by Global Influences" In, Chodkiewicz, J.L., and R.E. Wiest, Editors. Globalization and Community: Canadian Perspectives. Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba Anthropology Papers 34: 87-98.
2003 Henry Connolly, HBCo trader in the mid-1800's. Read at the 35th Conference on Algonquian Studies, London, Ont.
2002 Crees and Algonquins at the front: more on 20th century transformations. In, J. D. Nichols (ed.) Papers of the 34th Conference on Algonquian Studies.
2002 "From fur trade canoe routes to railroad lines: the context of transmission of disease" CASCA Conference, Windsor, Ont.
2002 Cree Narrative: Expressing the Personal Meanings of Events. Second edition. McGill-Queen’s
University Press. 302 pages
2001 James Bay Cree culture, malnutrition, infectious and degenerative diseases. In, J. D. Nichols (ed.) Papers of the 32nd Conference on Algonquian Studies.
2001. "The Rise of McAnthro: Or, Reflections on the History of the Department of Anthropology." Anthropologica 43(1):105-109
2000 How Cultures Remember: Traditions of the James Bay Cree and of Canadian
Quakers. In, J. D. Nichols (ed.) Papers of the Thirty-First Algonquian Conference. Winnipeg. Pp301-309.
1999 Reflections on Culture, History, and Authenticity. In, L. Valentine & R. Darnell (eds.),
Theorizing the Americanist Tradition. University of Toronto Press. 150-162
1998a Packing it in: summarizing and archiving this Algonquianist’s ethnographic career. Paper read at the 30th Conference on Algonquian Studies, Boston.
1998b Land Skills Programme, with John Murdoch and others, for Chief Malcolm Diamond Memorial Education Centre: course list and descriptions, objectives, standards, and learning activities for 27 courses.
1998c Apportioning responsibility for cumulative change: a Cree community in Northeastern Ontario. Richard J. Preston and John S. Long. In, D. Pentland (ed.) Papers of the 29th Conference on Algonquian Studies. University of Manitoba.
1997 Getting to know the great community of persons. In, D. Pentland (ed.) Papers of the 28th Conference on Algonquian Studies. University of Manitoba.
1996a Perspectives on sustainable development in the Moose River Basin. R. J. Preston, F. Berkes and P. J. George. In, D. Pentland (ed), Papers of the 26th Algonquian Conference. 386-400.
1996b Envisioning cultural, ecological and economic sustainability: the Cree communities of the Hudson and James Bay lowland, Ontario. P. J. George, F. Berkes, and R. J. Preston. Canadian Journal of Economics 29, Special Issue: S356-S360.
1996c The Cree Frontier. Paper read at the Conference on De-centring the Renaissance: Canada and Europe in Multi-disciplinary Perspective, 1350-1700. Victoria University in the University of Toronto.
1995a The Persistence of Aboriginal Land Use: Fish and Wildlife Harvest Areas in the Hudson and James Bay Lowland, Ontario. F. Berkes, A. Hughes, P. J. George, R. J. Preston, B. D. Cummins and J. Turner. Arctic 48(1):81-93.
1995b Aboriginal Harvesting in the Moose River Basin: a Historical and Contemporary Analysis. P. J. George, F. Berkes, and R. J. Preston, The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 32(1)69-90.
1995c Transformations of Eastern Cree economic concepts and notions. Paper read at the 27th Conference on Algonquian Studies, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
1994 Wildlife Harvesting and Sustainable Regional Native Economy in the Hudson and James Bay Lowland, Ontario. F. Berkes, P. J. George, R. J. Preston, A. Hughes, J. Turner, and B. D. Cummins. Arctic 47(4):350-360.
1993a Wildlife Harvest Areas in the Mushkegowuk Region, 1990. A. Hughes, F. Berkes, P. George, R. Preston, J. Turner, J. Chernishenko and B. Cummins. McMaster University, TASO Report, Second Series, No. 10. (some materials not included in 1995a)
1993b Cumulative Cultural, Social and Economic Impacts. Ottawa, Hudson's Bay Project workshop.
1993c Sustainable Development in the Hudson's Bay/James Bay Region: Gleanings from10 years of the TASO Program and Hopes for the Future. Annual Lecture of the President's Committee on Northern Studies, University of Waterloo.
1992a The TASO Research Program - Retrospect and Prospect. P. J. George and R. J. Preston. Anthropologica 34:51-70.
1992b The Cree View of Land and Resources: Indigenous Ecological Knowledge. F. Berkes, P. J. George, and R. J. Preston. McMaster University, TASO Report, Second series, No. 8.
1992c Culture-Historical Reconstruction of New Post. L. F. Schuurman and R. J. Preston. McMaster University, TASO Report, Second series, No. 7.
1992d Wildlife Harvests in the Mushkegowuk Region, 1990. F. Berkes, P. J. George, and R. J. Preston, J. Turner, A. Hughes, B. Cummins and A. Haugh. McMaster University, TASO Report, Second Series, No. 6. (some materials not included in 1994)
1992e Indigenous Land Use and Harvesting among the Cree in Western James Bay. P. J. George, F. Berkes, and R.J. Preston. McMaster University, TASO Report, Second series, No. 5.
1991a Dying and Grieving in Cross-Cultural Perspective: An East Cree example. R. J. and S.C. Preston, In D. & D. Counts (eds.) Coping with the Final Tragedy: Cultural Variations in Grieving and Dying. Baywood Press. 135-155.
1991b Interference and its Consequences: An East Cree Variant of Deviance? In R. Brymer (ed.), Deviance in Cross- Cultural Perspective. Anthropologica, Special Issue, 33: 69-80.
1991c It's Up to the Individual? Whiteman Science vs Native Science. Paper read at the 23rd Conference on Algonquian Studies, London, Ont.
1991d The Community Consultation Method. IDRC Workshop, Winnipeg.
1991e What Ever Happened to the New Post Band? Paper read at the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Winnipeg.
l990a The View from the Other Side of the Frontier. In W. Cowan (ed) Papers of the 21st Algonquian Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa. 3l3-328.
1990b CBC "Ideas", interview on James Bay "First Contacts" broadcast.
1990c Hunting Where We Please: Land, Territories, Ethics and Treaties in the Mushkegowuk Region, Ontario. Paper read at the Ontario Sociology & Anthropology Association, Brock University.
1990d A Sustainable Life Perspective: The Whiteman View and the Cree View of the James Bay Treaty. Paper read at the American Society for Ethnohistory, Toronto.
1989a Introduction to TASO. TASO Retrospective: An Assessment for the First Phase of the TASO Research Program, 1982-1988. McMaster University, TASO Research Report No. 31.
1989b Sociocultural Research under TASO Auspices. TASO Retrospective: An Assessment for the First Phase of the TASO Research Program, 1982-1988. McMaster University, TASO Research Report No. 31.
1988a James Bay Syncretism, Persistence and Replacement. In W. Cowan (ed.) Papers from the 19th Algonquian Conference. Carleton University: Ottawa, pp. 147-156.
1988b Cree.The Canadian Encyclopedia. Edmonton, Hurtig, p438.1985. 2nd Edition, pp532-33.
1988c review of A Homeland for the Cree: Regional Development in James Bay 1971-1981. R. F. Salisbury, McGill-Queen's University Press. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 25(3).
1987a review of A Homeland for the Cree: Regional Development in James Bay 1971-1981. R. F. Salisbury, , McGill-Queen's University Press. Canadian Ethnic Studies XIX (2):137-138.
1987b "Going in Between": The Impact of European Technology on the Work Patterns of the West Main Cree of Northern Ontario. P. J. George and R. J. Preston. The Journal of Economic History. XLVII: 447-460.
1987c Catholicism at Attawapiskat: a Case of Culture Change. In W. Cowan (ed) Papers of the18th Algonquian Conference, Ottawa, Carleton University. 271-286
1987d Looking for the Lost Cause: Urbanization on the West Coast of James Bay. Paper read at the 14th Congress, Canadian Ethnology Society, Quebec.
1986a Twentieth Century Transformations of the West Coast Cree. In W. Cowan, Actes du 17eme Congres des Algonquinistes. Ottawa: Carleton University, pp. 239-251.
1986b Reflections on Territoriality, In T. Morantz, (ed.) Who Owns the Beaver? A Re-examination of Northern Algonquian Land Tenure Systems Then and Now. Anthropologica XVIII(1-2), 11-18.
1985a Transformations Musicales et Culturelles Chez les Cris de I'Est. Recherches Amerindiennes au Quebec 15(4):19-28.
1985b review of An Ethnohistoric Study of Eastern James Bay Cree Social Organization, 1700-1850. T. Morantz, Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Paper in Ethnology No. 88, 1983. Ethnohistory 32(l):75.
1985c review of The Wishing Bone Cycle: Narrative Poems from the Swampy Cree Indians. H. A. Norman, Santa Barbara, Ross-Erikson, 1982. The American Indian Quarterly 9(l):116-117,
1985d Forum: The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, Ten Years After. McMaster University, TASO Report No. 22.
1985e Recent Developments in Eastern Cree Leadership. McMaster University, TASO Report No. 20.
1984a Algonquian People and Energy Development in the Subarctic. In W. Cowan, Papers of the 14th Algonquian Conference. Ottawa: Carleton University, pp. 169-179.
1983a Responsibilities of the Anthropologist in the North. McGill University.
1983b Some Continuities in Algonquian Leadership. Paper read at the 15th Conference on Algonquian Studies, Cambridge, MA.
1982a Towards a General Statement on the Eastern Cree Structures of Knowledge. In W. Cowan, Papers of the 13th Algonquian Conference. Ottawa: Carleton University, pp. 299-306.
1982b The Politics of Community Relocation: An Eastern Cree Example. Culture 11(3; Special Issue):37-49
1982c invited comment on Windigo Psychosis: The Anatomy of an Emic-Etic Confusion. L. Marano, Current Anthropology 23:403.
1982d review of Algonquian Ethnobotany: An Interpretation of Aboriginal Adaptation in Southwestern Quebec. M. J. Black, Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Paper in Ethnology No. 65.The Canadian Journal of Native Studies 2:190-191.
1981a East Main Cree, in J. Helm, The Subarctic, Volume 6, Handbook of North American Indians. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 196-207.
1981b Some General Aspects of Eastern Cree Imagery Regarding Animals. Paper read at the 8th Congress, Canadian Ethnology Society, Ottawa.
1980a Eastern Cree Notions of Social Grouping. In W. Cowan, Papers of the 11th Algonquian Conference. Ottawa: Carleton University, pp. 40-48.
1980b The Witigo: Algonquian Knowledge and Whiteman Knowledge, in M. Halpin and M. Ames, Manlike Monsters on Trial: Early Records and Modern Evidence. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, pp. 111-131.
1980c Eastern Cree Images of Geese: Creature, Food and Symbol. Paper read at the 7th Congress, Canadian Ethnology Society, Montreal.
1980d The Ethic of Non-Interference and the James Bay Agreement. Paper read at the 7th Congress, Canadian Ethnology Society, Montreal.
1980e Some Notes on Eastern Cree Relationships with Beaver. Paper read at the 12th Conference on Algonquian Studies, Ann Arbor, MI.
1980f More Than Food, Fur and Feathers: Aspects of Cree Imagery. Glenbow Museum, Calgary.
1979a The Development of Self-Control in the Eastern Cree Life Cycle, in K. Ishwaran, Childhood and Adolescence in Canada. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, pp. 93-96.
1979b The Cree Way Project: An Experiment in Grass Roots Curriculum Development. In W. Cowan, Papers of the 10th Algonquian Conference. Ottawa: Carleton University, pp. 92-101.
1979c Community Default and Personal Disintegration: An Eastern Cree Example. McMaster University.
1979d Training Guide for Cree Student Residence Staff.
1979e Report on Survey of Student Residences in Northern Saskatchewan.
1978a Ethnographic Reconstruction of the Witigo. In W. Cowan, Papers of the 9th Algonquian Conference. Ottawa: Carleton University, pp. 61-67.
1978b Le Relation Sacree Entre les Cris et les Oies. Recherches Amerindiennes au Quebec 8:147-152.
1977a The Wiitiko: Algonquian Knowledge and Whiteman Interest. In W. Cowan, Actes du Huitieme Congres des Algonquinistes. Ottawa: Carleton University, pp. 101-106.
1977b Dominance, the Double Bind, and the Witigo. Paper read at the 5th Annual Meetings of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, Banff.
1977c Academic Success for Northern Indian Students. Research Report to the Ontario Ministry of Education.
1976a Reticence and Self-Expression: A Study of Style in Social Relationships. In W. Cowan, Papers of the 7th Algonquian Conference. Ottawa: Carleton University, pp. 450-494.
1976b The Cree of Paint Hills. Film, 57 minutes, for CBC The Nature of Things series. National Film Board 106C 0176 165. (advised in filming and editing, provided most of the script material).
1976c A Comprehensive Survey of the Educational Needs of the Communities Comprising the Grand Council of the Crees (of Quebec). R. J. Preston and M. MacKenzie, Report to the Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec and the Quebec Ministry of Education.
1976d Community Education Administrator, section 16.0.20 in the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, Editor Officiel de Quebec, p 272
1975a Belief in the Context of Rapid Change: An Eastern Cree Example. In C. Hill, Symbols and Society: Essays on Belief Systems in Action. University of Georgia Press, pp. 117-129.
1975b Cree Narrative: Expressing the Personal Meanings of Events. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Paper in Ethnology No. 30, pp. 308. (reviewed, American Anthropologist 81:727-728, 1979).
1975c A Survey of Ethnographic Approaches to the Eastern Cree-Montagnais-Naskapi. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 12(3):267-277.
1975d Eastern Cree Community in Relation to Fur Trade Post in the 1830s: The Background of the "Posting" Process, in W. Cowan, Proceedings of the 6th Algonquian Conference. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Paper in Ethnology, No. 23, pp. 324-335.
1975e Symbolic Aspects of Eastern Cree Goose Hunting. In J. Barkow and J. Friedman, Proceedings of the 2nd Congress, Canadian Ethnology Society. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Paper in Ethnology No. 28, pp. 479-489.
1975f Report to the Grand Council of the Crees, on Problems in the Fort George Schools, with Recommendations.
1975g Boreal Forest Algonquian Ethnographic Abstracts.
1974a The Means to Academic Success for Eastern Cree Students, in J. Barkow, Proceedings of the 1st Congress, Canadian Ethnology Society. Ottawa. National Museum of Man, Paper in Ethnology No. 17, pp. 87-96.
1974b The Cree of Paint Hills, Film 57 minutes, for CBC The Nature of Things, (Advised in filming and editing, provided script material)
1973a Human Problems in Northern Development. Paper read at the SCITEC Symposium, Montreal.
1973b Indians Along the East Main: Coastal Cree of James Bay. Paper read at the 13th Annual Meetings of the Northeastern Anthropological Association, Burlington, VT.
1972a Eastern Cree Childhood and Adaptation to Formal Education. Paper read at the joint meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology and the American Ethnological Society, Montreal.
1972b Problems in the Study of Cree Shamanism. Paper read at the University of Winnipeg Symposium on Problems in the Study of Religion.
1971a Two Ethnographic Approaches to the Perceptual Worlds of Northern Algonkians: F.G. Speck and A.I. Hallowell. Paper read at the 4th Conference on Algonquian Studies, Big Moose, NY.
1971b Eastern Cree Symbolism: The Use of Metaphor in the Expression of Beliefs. Paper read at the 11th Annual Meetings of the Northeastem Anthropological Association, Albany, NY.
1971c Problemes humains relies au devellopment de la Baie James. Recherches Amerindiennes au
Quebec 1: 58-68.
1969 Eastern Cree Songs and Texts. Research Report to the National Museum of Man.
1968a When Leadership Fails: The Basis of a Community Crisis. The Northland 24:7-9.
1968b Functional PoIitics in a Northern Canadian Community. Proceedings of the 38th International Congress of Americanists 3:169-178.
1968c Hunting, Travelling and Conjuring Songs of the Eastern Cree. Paper read at the 1st Conference on Algonquian Studies, St. Pierre de Wakefield, Quebec.
1968d Facing New Tasks: Cree and Ojibwa Children's Adaptation to Residential School. Research Report to the National Museum of Man.
1967 Going South to get a Living. Research Report to Ontario Ministry of Lands and Forests.
1966a review of Le Noveau-Quebec: Contribution a I'Etude de I'Occupation Humaine. J. Malaurie and J. Rousseau, The Hague, Mouton. American Anthropologist68:1050-1052.
1964a Ritual Hangings: An Aboriginal 'Survival' in a Northern North American Trapping Community. Man 64:142-144.
Published and unpublished: general and/or theoretical, etc.
2010 Introduction: A Kindly Scrutiny of Human Nature. In, Richard Preston (ed.) A Kindly Scrutiny of Human Nature. Wilfrid Laurier Press.
2010 Richard Slobodin’s ethnography and Human Nature. In, Richard Preston (ed.) A Kindly Scrutiny of Human Nature. Wilfrid Laurier Press.
2006 Richard Slobodin’s ethnography and Human Nature. CASCA Conference, Toronto.
2001 The Rise of McAnthro: Or, Reflections on the History of the Department of Anthropology. Anthropologica 43(2):105-109.
1995f review of Arctic Revolution: Social Change in the Northwest Territories, 1935-1993. J. D. Hamilton, Canadian Public Policy 21(4):498-499.
1992f review of The Ojibwa of Berens River, Manitoba. A.I. Hallowell and J.S.H. Brown, Native Studies Review 8(2):141-142.
1992g (ed.) Centres of Excellence: their potential for the Social Science and Humanities. McMaster University.
1991f Co-management: The evolution of the theory and practice of joint administration of living resources. F. Berkes, P.J. George, and R.J. Preston. Alternatives18:12-18.
1991g review of Cry of the Eagle. D. Young et al. Medical Anthropology Quarterly: 5(4):413- 414.
1990e review of Trail to Heaven. R. Ridington, B.C. Studies, No. 86, 77-79.
1988d review of "The Orders of the Dreamed": George Nelson on Cree and Northern Ojibwa Religion and Myth, 1823. J. S. H. Brown and R. Brightman, University of Manitoba Press. Canadian Ethnic Studies 20(2):139.
1988e Anthropology, R. J. Preston and M.-A. Tremblay. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Edmonton: Hurtig, pp62-64, 1985. Second Edition, pp80-83.
1988f Barbeau, Charles Marius. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Edmonton: Hurtig, p141. Second edition, p177, 1985.
1988g Boas, Franz. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Edmonton: Hurtig. p197. Second Edition, p244.
1985f invited comment on Food Sharing among Ache Foragers: Tests of Explanatory Hypotheses. Kaplan and Hill, Current Anthropology 26(2):240-241.
1985g review of Culture and Ethos: Special Issue in Honor of John J. Honigmann. A. H. McElroy (ed), Anthropology and Humanism Ouarterly 7(2&3), 1982. American Anthropologist 87(l):173-174.
1983a The Social Structure of an Unorganized Society: Beyond Intentions and Peripheral Boasians. In F. H. Manning, Consciousness and Inqui!y: Ethnology and Canadian Realities. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Paper in Ethnology No. 89E, pp. 286-305.
Structures sociales d'une societe inorganisee: au-dela des intentions et des boasiens de la peripherie. En, M.-A. Tremblay, Conscience et Enquete: L'ethnologie des realites canadiennes. Ottawa: Musees Nationaux du Canada, Le Service Canadien d'Ethnologie, Dossier No. 89F, pp. 318-339.
1982e The Spirit, the Code, and Critical Interpretation; review of The Great Code: The Bible and Literature. Northrop Frye, and The Genesis of Secrecy: On the Interpretation of Narrative. Frank Kermode. Culture 2(2):125-126.
1982f What IS Culture: The Anthropological Perspective. Humanities Lecture, McMaster University.
1980g Notes and Queries on the Processes of Symbolic Formulation. Paper read at the Anthropology Colloquium, University of Western Ontario.
1980h Current Directions in Canadian Anthropology. Paper read at the Ontario Anthropology and Sociology Association, Guelph.
1978c review of Northern Development: A Paper for Discussion, Science Council of Canada, 1977. Canadian Public Policy 4:143-144.
1978d (editor) Selected Papers from the 1977 Congress, Canadian Ethnology Society, Halifax, N.S. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Paper in Ethnology No. 40, pp. 439.
1976d C. Marius Barbeau and the History of Canadian Anthropology. In J. Freedman, The History of Canadian Anthropology. Hamilton: McMaster University. Proceedings No. 3, Canadian Ethnology Society, pp. 122-135.
1976a Ames, Michael and Richard Preston. Introduction. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. 12(3):243.
1975h invited comment on Understanding in Anthropology: A Philosophical Reminder. Watson-Frank and Watson, Current Anthropology 16:256, 1975.
1974b invited comment on The Mission of Metaphor in Expressive Culture. J. Fernandez, Current Anthropology15:139.
1974c invited comment on Action Anthropology and the Southern Cheyenne, and White Value Themes of the Native American Tribalistic Movement Among the South Dakota Sioux. Schleiser, Current Anthropology 15:295.
1970 review of Contributions to Anthropology: Ecological Essays. D. J. Damas (ed), Ottawa, National Museums of Canada, Bulletin 230, 1969. American Anthropologist 72:1471-74.
1968e review of American Indian Life. E. C. Parsons (ed), Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1967. American Anthropologist 70:778.
On the Psychology of Culture
1991h review of Edward Sapir: Linguist, Anthropologist, Humanist. R. Darnell, American Ethnologist 802-803.
1991i review of Edward Sapir: Linguist, Anthropologist, Humanist. R. Darnell, Culture 10:112-113.
1988h Sapir, Edward. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Edmonton: Hurtig, pp1633-34, 1985. Second Edition, p1929.
1986c Sapir's Psychology of Culture Prospectus. In, W. Cowan, M. K. Foster and K. Koerner, New Perspectives on Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and Personality. Proceedings of the Edward Sapir Centenery Conference (Ottawa, 1-3 October 1984). Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 533-551.
1985h Invited comment on Mental Imagery Cultivation as a Cultural Phenomenon: The Role of Visions in Shamanism. Noll, Current Anthropology 26(4):454-455.
1984 Reflections on Sapir’s Anthropology in Canada. In, Edward Sapir: Appraisals of his Life and Work. Konrad Koerner (ed.) Pp. 179-194. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
1984b Sapir and Culture. Paper read at the 11th Congress, Canadian Ethnology Society, Montreal.
1984c Sapir on the Necessity of the Concept of Culture in Social Science. Paper read at Brown University.
1984d Sapir, Sullivan, and Lasswell Collaborations: Real and Imagined. Paper read at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Denver.
1982g Invited comment on Magic: A Theoretical Reassessment. Winkleman, Current Anthropology 23:50.
1981b Sapir's Conception of Drift as a Cultural Process. In M.-F. Guedon and D. Hatt, Papers from the 6th Annual Congess, Canadian Ethnology Society, 1979. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Paper in Ethnology No. 78, pp. 213-219.
1980i Reflections on Sapir's Anthropology in Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 17(4):367-375.
1966b Edward Sapir's Anthropology: Style, Structure and Method. American Anthropologist 68:1105-1128.
1964b Honigmann, J. J. and R. J. Preston. Recent Developments in Culture and Personality. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 354:153-162.
1985i Boundary Mediation and the Symbolic Representation of Opposed Orders. Anthropology Newsletter 26(l):8.
1983c OI' Wolverine's Corner. Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics 8(3):25-26.
1981c OI' Wolverine's Corner. Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics 6:27.
1980j OI' Wolverine's Corner. Algonquian Linguistics 5:48.
1980k OI' Wolverine's Corner. Algonquian Linguistics 5:31.